

The Norfolk Combined Facilities Department was created in January 2016 upon agreement with the Town Administrator, Select Board, School Superintendent and the School Committee. Established to more efficiently manage operations of all municipal and school buildings, the Facilities Department has oversight for and management of eight facilities and approximately three hundred thousand square feet of property, including two school buildings and all municipal buildings such as the Town Hall, Public Safety Building, Fire Station, Town Library, Old Town Hall, Council of Aging, and the Department of Public Works Facility. Responsibilities include custodial services, building maintenance and repairs, support of capital projects and day-to-day project management for new construction and major renovations.

The Town of Norfolk Facilities Department is responsible for the coordination and care of all Town-owned buildings and surrounding property, inclusive of those under the control of the Select Board, Town Administrator,  School Committee and.  All costs for maintenance and project management, utilities and building rentals are contained within this department. Director of Facilities recommends capital projects to maintain all buildings in a condition suitable for their intended use.  The Facilities Department administers a Facilities Master Planning Process with the Town Administrator and the Superintendent of Schools.


  • Capital improvements and planning
  • Custodial care/cleaning
  • Landscaping and pedestrian snow removal for all school property
  • Maintenance and repairs of all Town-owned property
  • Compliance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Procedures for Procurement of Goods, Services, Design Services and Construction under Chapter 30B, 149, 149A, and 30/39M for all Town projects and services
  • Management of most vendor contracts
  • Utility negotiations and energy management
  • Payment of all facility-related vendor invoices
  • Payment of all Town utility bills
  • School building rentals.