MUNIS - Tyler Hub

The links to the MUNIS - Tyler Hub .  

The first time logging on to MUNIS-Tyler Hub, follow the guide to set up the home page  MUNIS Tyler Hub Logon Guide   

NOTE:  Tyler Hub is using  OKTA for single sign on by using the  work Gmail email address ( see  MUNIS Tyler Hub Logon Guide  )  .  There is no need to enter password.  

Production database link:

Training database link: 

Test database link:

The library accesses MUNIS differently than the town and the school.  Connect to  .   Once connected to the F5 VPN,  navigate within the browser to the above link to access the correct database.  

Called MUNIS directly for the application support.  Tel: 800-772-2260 

Contact Technology Department or Todd Lindmark to reset password.  

Tyler Tech MUNIS Technical Support Overview and escalation.