Master Plan (2035)

The Master Plan is to be prepared and completed in accordance with the requirements of Mass. G.L. chapter 41, section 81D and may include additional elements desired by the Town and further detailed in the RFP.  The Master Plan is being broken out into phases.  Phase 1 is an existing conditions assessment, analysis of trends and visioning process. Phase 2 is completion of the Master Plan laying out an implementation plan.  The Town desires this Master Plan and process to address the following objectives:
  • The understanding of local and regional planning studies that impact the town, as well as market conditions that impact the town.  There are regional housing and job market conditions that affect Norfolk. The public engagement process needs to stimulate open and realistic discussion about how to plan for potential growth, and provide feasible recommendations in consideration of the limits to regulate land use;
  • Sustainability should be woven throughout all elements of the Plan, rather than in a stand-alone section and it should consider both environmental and fiscal sustainability. We recognize that climate change is an urgent environmental consideration;  
  • A robust public process and creative community engagement strategy will be critical to ensuring the Master Plan fairly reflects the community; and,
  • Create an implementation strategy to ensure the recommendations achievable and not aspirational. 
  • A concise, visual document designed to provide a basis for decision-making about the Town’s future. 
  • Articulates an easily understood vision of the Town’s future, which is crafted from a wide and varied range of community perspectives, and offers an achievable outlook.
  •  A well-grounded vision with a clear and creative, specific, realistic, and cost-effective implementation strategy.
Norfolk Master Plan 2035 information